2025 Spring Season - South Sound United League (SSUL) Overview
Season begins April 26-27th, ends June 21-22nd
Registration Opens February1st
(supports U13 - U18 age group players, also U10-U12 teams who would like additional competition, however more travel)
Registration Overview

SSUL hosts a Spring season league for U10 through U18 players. Recreational teams are welcome! Here are some important things to know about the season.
PLEASE NOTE: We will NOT PROMOTE players/teams for the 2024 Spring season. For example, 2024 Fall U13 players/teams will play in the U13 age group during 2025 Spring season.
Eight (8) game season for all divisions. First game is April 26-27th; Last game is June 21-22nd. Spring Season is designed to provide an opportunity for players to experience the fun and excitement of the great game of soccer and to maintain their touch and fitness while enjoying friendly competition.
- U10 - U14 play games on Saturdays
- U15 and older play games on Sundays
- U16 - U18 age group teams will be combined into the same division (i.e. like your high school teams)
- No games on Memorial Day weekend (May 24-25th)
- Age groups: U13 to U18 (also U10 - U12 teams who would like additional competition with more travel)
- Spring Fee: $125 for U13 to U18 players
- Home games will be played at local Highline fields and away throughout the south sound area
- Spring Coaches Meeting Conference Call - March 27th
- Registration Opens February 1st
- Open Registration Ends March 1st
- Returning 2024-2025 players registering by March 1st will be given priority placement on their former teams.
- Players registering after March 1st will be assigned to a team on a space-available basis.
- Registration Closes March 1st (late registrations placed on wait list)
- Schedules to be posted a week prior to first game
- Scroll down page to view FAQs or go to SSUL website for more details.