(UPDATED for 2024-2025 Season)
Please review the information below and then click the REGISTER NOW button at the bottom of the page to begin the registration process for Highline Soccer Club 2024-2025 season.
- PLEASE DO NOT CREATE NEW USERNAME if you've forget your Username member account, email, and/or password. PLEASE contact us at [email protected] for any issues and scroll down to "Member Accounts" for guidance.
- LATE FEE: Players that register after the Registration deadline (listed above) are subject to a $10.00 late fee.
- Player registrations will be accepted beyond the close date on a space-available basis
- U06 players must be at least 5 by January 1, 2025 to participate in 2024-2025 Fall and Spring seasons.
- View birth age chart below to determine player age group.
Coaches/Volunteer Risk Management Assessment (RMA)
All team volunteers (Coach, Assistant, Team Manager, Trainer) that work directly with the players are required to submit to a Risk Management Assessment (RMA) which helps ensure our children are kept safe. When you enter the Coaches Registration module, you will be provided with directions to complete certificate training and submit for RMA.
IMPORTANT: You must use your LEGAL FIRST and LAST NAME and BIRTH DATE for both the RMA application and HSC registration (THEY MUST MATCH!) in order for you to be cleared and assigned to a team.
Please read the following information completely before you enter the registration module. If you are new to HSC, please review the applicable page listed under "Programs" for an Overview and FAQs for the season.
- Please be prepared to provide Medical and Emergency Contact information for your player. This will include your player's physician's name and telephone number, insurance information, and an emergency contact besides the parent or guardian. Every HSC Coach will be responsible to maintain Medical Release Information for each player on their team (and to have it available at ALL team functions) to assure that players receive necessary care in the event of an emergency.
- Waivers and Notices have been added to the registration process to assure that HSC Players, Parents/Guardians, and Coaches/Volunteers conform to the highest standards of conduct. You will also need to review and electronically sign an informed consent forms (Concussion Awareness and Sudden Cardiac Arrest Information).
- Registration Instructions: Typically, there are (2) registration forms: One for Players and another for Coaches/Volunteers. (On occasion, we also offer training camps, which will be a separate registration form.) Please make sure to select the correct form. Before proceeding to the registration form, you'll be prompted to either log in or create a member account.
Member Accounts
Families with an existing username and password can simply register for the Spring or Fall season by logging in to their member account and then clicking on the Available Programs link.
- New members/users should click on the Registration link below to begin the registration process. You will be prompted to create a member account. The master member account must be in the name of the parent or guardian of the player.
- Did you forget your member account login and/or password?
If you do not remember your username and/or password, you will be given the option to enter your email address and your username and password will be emailed to you. If you do not receive an email or if your email does not exist in the system, please email us at [email protected] for your log-in information.
Player Registration
Players must register for their birth year, DO NOT alter your players Date of Birth!. You can request to have your player move up one age group, if desired. Our Player Assignment Team can then move the players administratively to the desired age group / team.
- PROOF OF AGE REQUIRED - WYS Rules require HSC to provide proof of age for EVERY player. All new players must provide a birth certificate or other recognized proof of age (such as a passport). Electronic copies may be forwarded to HSC Registrar. Electronic files will be destroyed after your player's age has been verified in our registration system.
- No player shall be allowed to register or participate simultaneously on more than one Washington Youth Soccer (WYS) registered team in the same division during the same season.
- Players may participate concurrently in non-WYS leagues such as: CYO, Indoor Soccer (Starfire Sports, Arena Sports), YMCA, and US Club Soccer.
Player Registration & Assignment Guidelines
Please review the Player Registration & Assignment Guidelines for additional rules and information concerning participation and team formation.
*A $10 late fee may be added if player registers past the deadline.
Age Groups (2024 Fall / 2025 Spring)
Before you begin, please review the age group descriptions below to determine the appropriate age division for your player.

Have a FANTASTIC Season!